HomeAbout the Commission

About the Commission

Founded in 2018 by President Teresa A. Sullivan, the University of Virginia President’s Commission on the University in the Age of Segregation was provided with a charge:

Provide advice and recommendations to the President on the documentation of the University of Virginia’s role in the period of segregation that lasted approximately from 1865 to 1965.

Explore and report on UVA’s historical relationship with the era of segregation, especially as it connects to the Charlottesville/Albemarle community, highlighting opportunities for recognition including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Draw upon the knowledge of living witnesses to the age of segregation to record oral histories and make similar documentation of first-hand encounters with segregation.
  • Discuss mutual interests with community partners to include research and events focused on the age of segregation.
  • Promote an historical exhibition focusing on segregation at UVA.
  • Convene symposia as appropriate to bring together partners in the exploration of the age of segregation.
  • Propose projects designed to educate students, faculty, staff, and visitors about the history of segregation as it played out at UVA and in Charlottesville/Albemarle.
  • Consider appropriate memorialization of the age of segregation.

Commission Membership

Co-chairs: Andrea Douglas and Kirt von Daacke

Members: Niya Bates, Sara Bon-Harper, Carolyn Mitchell Dillard, Tierney Fairchild, Meghan S. Faulkner, Matt Gibson, Vicki L. Gist, Grace E. Hale, Claudrena N. Harold, Ervin L. Jordan Jr., Phyllis K. Leffler, Talitha LeFlouria, Michael Gerard Mason, Louis P. Nelson, Brian Carl Neumann, Elizabeth Regine Varon, Nikuyah Walker, Gayle Jessup White, Devin Willis, Howard Louis Witt, Lisa Woolfork

Ex officio members: Derrick P. Alridge, Matthew L. Brandon, John E. Mason

National Advisory Board: James T. Campbell, Marcia Chatelain, Scot A. French, Leslie Harris, Wesley L. Harris

Local Advisory Board: Ben Allen, Alvin Edwards, Janette Martin, Maurice Walker, Stanley E. Woodfolk

Student Advisory Board: Kristen Graves, Sophia McCrimmon, Joseph Malasa

Alumni Advisory Board: Ishraga Eltahir (Arts & Sciences 2011), Wes Gobar (Arts & Sciences 2018), Kelley Hodge (Arts & Sciences 1993), Countess Hughes (Arts & Sciences 1986, Curry School 1988), Khalifa Lee (Arts & Sciences 2009), Russell Logan (Engineering School 1984, Darden School 1989), George K. Martin (Arts & Sciences 1975), Maddie Shaw (Arts & Sciences 2020)

Additional Credits

Website design: Connor Kenaston, Emily Mellen, Brandon Walsh; Jeremy Boggs